Prepare for technology certification success.
CertPREP self-paced exam prep materials by Pearson!

Prepare for technology certification success.
CertPREP self-paced exam prep materials by Pearson!
Embark on a rewarding career in information technology.
Gain a competitive edge in the job market when you get certified in advanced technology skills. To help prepare you for certification success, we’ve developed Pearson CertPREP courseware — the ultimate training package for IT certification exams.
Learn on your own timeline with self-paced training solutions. This all-in-one package conveniently combines text, videos, quizzes, practice tests, and labs that introduce and reinforce new concepts and skills — saving you time and money while delivering a comprehensive learning experience.
Boost your career prospects.
Move forward on your career path and gain the edge you need to excel with CertPREP. Add to your existing skill set and enhance your employability so you’re fully prepared for new opportunities.
Secure a bright future!